Muppet Stayman

Muppet Stayman is so named because it is modified puppet. It is a powerful convention that enables you to find all kinds of 4‑4 and 5‑3 fits after a 2N opening. Responder uses Muppet when holding a 3- or 4-card major, when holding 5 spades and 4 hearts, or when 5‑5 in the majors. The modification is that opener’s 3♡ and 3N rebids over 3♣ are switched. Opener bids:

  • 3♢: no 5c major, but one or both 4c majors
  • 3♡: no 5c major
  • 3♠: 5 spades
  • 3N: 5 hearts

This switch solves the problem shape of 5=4 in spades and hearts because it leaves room for responder to show 5 spades over the 3♡ rebid, which denies a 4c major.

As a general rule, responder’s 4♣ and 4♢ bids serve to show slam tries in the majors, while opener’s 4♡ and 4♠ bids are satelink transfers to clubs and diamonds respectively.

After 2N–3♣–3♢

  1. Three hearts shows 4 spades.[1] Now 3♠ sets spades and is GF with slam interest. Opener can relay to 3N to ask for shortage.
  2. Three spades shows 4 hearts.
    • 3N: to play.
    • 4♣: 4 hearts, slam interest. Opener bids 4♡ minimum.
    • 4♢: 4 hearts, no slam interest.
    • 4♡, 4♠: satelink transfers to clubs and diamonds.
  3. Three notrumps is to play.
  4. Four clubs shows at least 4-4 in the majors with slam interest. Opener rebids as follows:
    • 4♢: hearts and maximum, RKCB ask.
    • 4♡: hearts and minimum.
    • 4♠: spades and minimum.
    • 4N: spades and maximum, RKCB ask.
  5. Four diamonds promises at least 4‑4 in the majors and asks opener to bid his 4c major. Once again, this guarantees that the strong hand becomes declarer. Once a major is agreed, responder can make a slam move; 4N is RKCB.
  6. Four hearts and spades are satelink transfers to clubs or diamonds.
  7. Four and five notrumps are quantitative. and suggest-a-slam.

After 2N–3♣–3♡

Opener has no 5c major.[2]

  1. Three spades is a transfer to 3N.
    • 4♣: 5 clubs, slam try.
    • 4♢: 5 diamonds, slam try.
  2. Three notrumps shows 5 spades.  
  3. Four clubs shows 5‑5 in the majors with slam interest.
    • 4♢: hearts, max and RKCB.
    • 4♡: hearts, min.
    • 4♠: spades, min.
    • 4N: spades, max and RKCB.
  4. Four diamonds shows 5‑5 in the majors without slam interest.
  5. Four and five notrumps are quantitative and suggest-a-slam.

After 2N–3♣–3♠

Opener has 5 spades, and continuations are quite natural.

  1. Four of a minor shows a 5+ minor with slam interest.
  2. Four hearts sets spades with slam interest. Opener bids 4♠ with minimum; with maximum he can bid 4N as RKCB or show keycards in steps at the 5-level.
  3. Four spades is to play.
  4. Four and five notrumps are quantitative and suggest-a-slam; to ask for keycards, first set spades via 4♡.

[1] You can do better here if you wish. 3♡ can ask for opener’s spade length, with the responses being 3♠ = 3, 3N = 2, 4♣ = 4 max., and 4♠ = 4 min. How does this help? It allows responder to go through Muppet with 5=3 in the majors, in case you have no way to show that combination via your transfer response. I prefer that 2N–3♡–3N shows 2=5 in the majors, which finds the hearts when responder transfers with 5=3.

[2] You can rebid naturally too: 3♠ with 5 spades, 3N to play, 4♣/4♢ with 5‑5 in the majors, and 4♡/4♠ as satelink transfers.